Installing the SCCM Management Console

Dieser Beitrag beschreibt, wie die Management Console bei SCCM installiert wird. Sie benötigen das ISO File (Installatonsmedium)
\\sit-build-01\storage\apps\microsoft\System Center

NOTE: If you are unable to mount the ISO please let us know and we can mount/share it from the server

Install Configuration Manager 2007 SP1 Admin Console

1. Mount the INSTALL\SCCM_2007_SP1.iso using DAEMONTools or similar tool
2. Run the SPLASH.HTA file in the root of the DVD
3. Click the "Configuration Manager 2007 SP1" link to begin the installation
4. Select "Install or upgrade an administrator console" and click "Next"
5. Click the tick box "I accept these license terms" and click "Next"
6. Opt in or out of the MS CEIP and click "Next"
7. Specify where you would like the console installed and click "Next"
8. Specify the Site Server Name "SIT-SCCM-01" and click "Next"
9. The prerequisite checker will confirm you have everything up to date

NOTE: Follow the onscreen instructions to get the required updates from Microsoft if necessary

10. Click "Next" or "Begin Installation" to begin the installation
11. Once the Installer has finished click "Next", then "Finish" to complete the installation

Install Configuration Manager 2007 R2 Admin Console

1. Mount the INSTALL\SCCM_2007_R2.iso using DAEMONTools or similar tool
2. Run the SPLASH.HTA file in the root of the CD
3. Click the "Configuration Manager 2007 R2" link to begin the installation
4. Click "Next", the select "I accept the license agreement" and click "Next"
5. Click "Next" to accept the Registration Information
6. Click "Next" to begin the installation
7. Click "Finish" to complete the installation

You now should have a functioning SCCM Admin Console. Remember we operate a „you break it, you bought it“ ideology ;). Additionally if you want the tools, addon’s, etc you will want to install the following

\sccm 2007 toolkit\CCMTOOLS.MSI & DCMTOOLS.MSI
\sccm 2007 sdk v4.0\SETUP.MSI
\ConfigMgr Admin Console Tools v1.9 - Rick Houchins\0424ConfigMgrTools.EXE
1. Run the 0424ConfigMgrTools.EXE
2. Click "Next"
3. Click "Workstation"
4. Enter Site Code "FOS", Site Server Name "SIT-SCCM-01" and Management Point "SIT-SCCM-01" and click "Next"
5. Click "Next"
6. Click "x86" if you have a 32-bit OS or "x64" if you have a 64-bit OS
7. Click "Finish" to complete the installation
